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Today's Verse

Roman Catholicism fans

Monday, September 25, 2006

Why I Don't Forward Religious Stories

Why I Don't Forward Religious Stories by Darrell Hamilton
The problem with this story is that while it conveys a principle that seems true enough, it is actually a fictional story. It is very easy for a crafty person to hide untruths (lies) in the midst of truths when the overall medium is fiction. That is how most mythology was started - someone came up with a "plausible" explanation with a story that could not be verified.
Satan is never described in the Scriptures as an "villainous-looking gent". He and his servants are described as looking like angels of light (II Corinthains 11:14) and as wolves in sheep's clothing (Matthew 7:15).
In general, there is no need to pass along make believe stories about Jesus. It dishonors the Bible to think that you have to get people to see their condition by spreading false tales. The Bible is sufficient to convict men of their ways. Cute stories only encourage people to make up their own story and believe that.

So here is the ultimate test. If you send this story to someone who has never read the Bible, would this story make them curious enough to read the Bible? If they read the Bible because of this story, would they be upset when they discovered that this story is not in the Bible? Too often, stories of this nature are designed to give people comfort that they can be acceptable to God just as they are, without any change on their part.


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